We live in a technological age. However, technology cannot solve all the world's problems. Therefore, some people argue that we need to place less emphasis on technological solutions and more on other values. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

The rapid development of technology has given many people new access to information. This, in turn, leads to a better functioning society as the information flows easily to all around the world. However, some people would argue that technology is not the solution for world’s problems. It is agreed that technology is a tool that helps make life become easier and that it is more of a medium rather than an end goal.

The problems in people’s life are so many that we might not be able to count it, even if we try. Now we have a global concern of what to do when our oil supply is no longer capable of meeting the demand of billions of cars all around the world. Technology answers that problem in the form of electric cars. People used to have problems with books being expensive, and we are worried about our trees that turned into a pulp to create paper for books and other printing needs. Technology gives the solution to that problem in the form of an e-book. Technology can be used for positive things.

On the other hand, modern people also worry about their bank account being hacked. In addition, identity theft can make someone very miserable these days; a new form of crime that we never imagine twenty years ago. Bullying used to happen in the school classroom, but now it has moved to a various channel of social networks. Bandits are still trying to rob our money; however, they are doing so now by tapping to digital cookies in our browser. The government, network provider and criminals watch our browsing habit closely. Technology, along with all its advantages, has also created a false sense of freedom and has made us vulnerable to a certain degree.

We all want to believe that technology is the key to ending all the existing injustice in this world. However, it is not and it never will be. I believe what we need is to be more tolerant of others. There are poor people out there who live in poverty and unhealthy living conditions without any possibility to change their life. It is time for us to use our smartphone to obtain some money and make some charity and donation for the unfortunate people. If we refuse to let technology rules over us, we will be able to use it to make this world slightly better.

To sum up, it is obvious that from the long discussion above, I have shown facts of technology according to its advantage, disadvantage, and how we need to react. However, it is important that we hold a realistic expectation of what technology can and cannot do instead of looking at it as a quick fix for any problems. In the end, we are the one who utilize technology and decide whether it leads to a good thing or to a bad end.


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