How do movies or television influence people’s behavior?

People have various choices of things to do in their leisure time. Watching television should be placed in one of the higher ranks in that list of activities. It is often said that people need to be aware of the effect of television as it may affect people’s behavior. Movies are also said to have the same effect. In my view, both television and movies can influence people in an explicit and an implicit way.

What I mean by the explicit way is the situation when an audience is affected by what they see on the screen. Let’s say a romantic scene or a sad scene that may make some people blushing with happiness or filled with great sadness. What is seen on the screen is spontaneously delivering a reaction as the emotion feels proper.

The second way is the implicit way, or perhaps, the one that is rather indirect compared to the first one. When people are always fed with bad news such as corruption and tragedy, this kind of news may affect people implicitly. For the teenagers, they may think that corruption is an okay thing to do since they see all the arrested corrupt politician smiled widely to the camera. For the adults, they may think that tragedy is a common thing and in the long term, it will reduce their sense of empathy. This does not happen in an instant, and therefore, rather implicit.

To sum up, media such as television or cinemas obviously have the power to convey meaning to their audience. Unfortunately, these meanings are not always as good as the intention of the broadcaster. I think there are some urgent needs to study the effect of media for children, teenagers, and adults.


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