KNT 11

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. My family moved from Jakarta to Palembang in 1990. I left Palembang when I graduated from senior high school and then went to university in Bandung, West Java.

Is that a big place or a small place?
Well, Palembang is quite big because it is the capital of South Sumatra province. It is about 360 square kilometer and it is home for almost 1.8 million people.

Do you like your hometown?
Yes, of course. It’s not that I think it’s the best city. I am quite certain that many people like their hometown just for the sake of the nostalgic memory of their childhood.. growing up there. But when you have become an adult and traveled to many other places, you’ll see that there are places better than your hometown.

What do you like most about your hometown?
I like the food. We have this thing called pempek, it’s a fishcake. It is delicious but I think it is a bit overrated. What I like the most is this food called “pindang patin”. It is an amazing dish of fresh fish soup, very tasty and spicy. You should try it if you go to Palembang.

Would you say your hometown was a good place to grow up?
Well, yes it was. Back then, the city did not have cars as many as it has now. Children played in the street freely. There were lots of spaces you could visit with your friends. The air was fresh. We used to play kite in the street without worrying about our safety. So I guess yes, it was quite a friendly city for kids when I grew up there.

What facilities and services are available in your hometown?
We have an international airport, to begin with. This enables the access from various countries and cities. And this is important coz Palembang is often chosen as the place to hold international sports event. There is the huge sports complex called Jakabaring Sports City. It has a football stadium, aquatic stadium, etc. In the city, public transportation is currently served by the exclusive TransMusi bus, however, the development of Light Rail Transit, which I believe will really boost public transportation in the city, is still in progress and will be finished in 2 years time.

Would you like to live there for a long time?
No, I like to explore lots of beautiful places in Indonesia. I wouldn’t want to stay just in one city. If there is a student that needs me, I will go and stay in his/her city. So, it can be said that my job enables me to explore different cities in Indonesia.

Would you like to return to your hometown when you retire?
The sad thing is, I have no one waiting for me in my hometown. So, when I retire I guess I’ll just stay in a cold place. My hometown is quite hot and I really can’t stand the weather.

Would you like to live in the countryside?
Well, living in a countryside is not a big deal for me. I can stay in a countryside as long as it has access to decent 4G internet service. I am not really an outgoing person. So, I like to spend my time reading books and studying English, and I can do that in the countryside if I have access to the internet service I mentioned before.


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