Talk about something to do for ecological reasons
You should mention:
How long you have been doing it
Why you do it
How you first heard about it
And say if you think it makes a big difference to the environment or not, and why

Alright I will tell you about my habit ... actually it is not my habit ... it is my brother habit .... We've been doing this for ... um maybe about twenty years something ... In my house, well maybe I need to tell you that we are family of gamer .. so my brother and I .. we all enjoy game so much .. we have lots of DVD disks and CDs ... And to keep the environmental safe, my brother told me that I should never have thrown any of these CDs or DVDs .. even though they may no longer be used or useful or perhaps it has been scratched and therefore simply cannot be used anymore. We kept all these DVDs in a special packaging from cardboard box, and after we have lots of them we will create something out of it. It is not that difficult, using glue and some thick paper we can create various things that can be used for practical purpose. Why we do this? Well, it is obvious that we don't want to contribute to environmental damage. How I first heard about it? My brother taught me these things .. not like it is that uncommon, I think many people do the same thing. Well, I honestly think that this really helps the environment. A DVD or CD can be copied to the disk and then we can throw away the CD just right after we buy it or after we watch it. In Indonesia we can buy 500 dvd's in two months .. at least in my family that is .. DVDs are cheaper in Indonesia because it is a pirated product; it is not like in other countries which use original products .. so imagine if we throw 500 DVDs every two or three months that is a lot of waste I think .. so I really think that we have done our parts to save the environment and make it better .. by not throwing away useless DVD disk ...


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